For those of us that wear contact lenses, neglecting our eye health can become quite easy but lucky for you, we have 5 easy tips for you to remember. Some of these tips may be obvious, others not so much so write them down, take a screenshot with your phone or use your photographic memory – do what you need to do to make sure you remember these tips which will protect your eyes and keep them happy!
Tip 1: Wear your prescribed brand!
Contacts are prescribed based on your eye shape and eye health. Ask your optometrist for trials if you're interested in other brands. Do not simply switch without a consultation, as you may damage your eyes or have blurry vision if you change on your own accord.
Tip 2: Don't forget to change your contact lens case every 3 months.
Bacteria may build up within the contact lens case and could cause eye infections. Many users struggle to believe this, however, this is a very common cause for an eye infection. If you do not wish to buy a new case ensure you clean your current case thoroughly.
Tip 3: Use the correct contact lens solution.
Using the wrong solution on your contacts can result in them not being cleaned properly or can ruin them. If you are unsure of which solution you should be using you can contact us and we will advise on the best fit solution for your lenses.
Tip 4: It's important to let your eyes breathe!
Switch to your glasses after the recommended wear time of your contact each day. This gives your eyes some breathing space and ensures you do not wear your lenses over the daily wear time allocated for them.
Tip 5: Wear your sunglasses!
The sun can cause an array of damage to your eyes through UVA & UVB rays. Do not underestimate the suns power. Many of us see the effect the sun has played on our eyes in later years. Protect them now to take extra care of them for the future.
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